Friday, January 29, 2010

Following the Leader

Hebrews 10:23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.

I was in Nashville a few weeks ago with some dear friends. We were headed out to breakfast on the last day, so I was following my friend to get to the beloved Pancake Pantry. She's lived in Nashville for years.

As I drove behind her, I really enjoyed taking in the beautiful scenes of Tennessee. It was a gorgeous day and the trees and hills were so beautiful. I liked looking at all of the different types of homes and shops along the way.

And then it occurred to me. This is what it should be like when I'm following Jesus. When I was following my friend, I wasn't tapping my foot, worried about knowing every turn ahead of time. I was just following her lead and enjoying the drive. It didn't matter that I didn't know where I was going, because she did. I trusted her heart and her knowledge. I knew she knew that area like the back of her hand. I also knew she wouldn't leave me stranded. Fear that she would leave me or mislead me never even crossed my mind.

And that's how I want to follow Jesus. I want to rest peacefully in the fact that He's a good leader. He knows the roads I'm on like the back of His hands. I can trust His heart toward me and I can trust His leadership. I don't have to know every turn to get to my destination. I don't even have to have ever been to the final destination before, because my leader is trustworthy.

As I continue this journey, I want to stop pounding down God's door with anxious demands to have it all mapped out before I take my next step. I desperately want to surrender my panicky grabs at the GPS and my stranglehold on the steering wheel (which is really an illusion anyways). Instead, I want to trade trade them for resting in remembering that my God has been incredibly, remarkably faithful. So here's to letting go, laying back and enjoying all of the beautiful scenery of this ride I'm on! Regardless of the twists and turns, the hills and valleys, my Leader is faithful. He's sure. I can trust His wisdom. I can trust His leadership. I can trust His intentions. Even if I don't know where we're going.


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